Trim and cut curly hair

Do you want to trim or cut curly hair at home but don’t know where to begin? While it is always preferable to have it done by a professional, there are several reasons why you may choose to do it yourself. Cutting curly hair is not the same as cutting straight hair, according to Darren […]
Guide to choosing the right hair colour

Choosing between blonde, brown, and red is difficult enough without considering the range of tones that exist within those hues. Then you have to decide which of those colours is best for your skin tone. Understanding the nuances of tone, on the other hand, can mean the difference between choosing good hair colour and your […]
Tips for hair growth

It’s not easy to achieve Rapunzel-like strands—ask anyone who’s taken countless biotin pills and vitamin E supplements only to be met with the same mediocre results. According to Darren Yaw Singapore, numerous factors influence hair growth (or lack thereof), but one of the most overlooked is physical stimulation, as in massaging your scalp. It turns […]